Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fishin' Trip

Got to go on my annual fishing trip with bro yesterday. It is always a treat. Connor went with us and represented himself well by catching 9 smallmouths up to 14".

Elk River is a sure 'nuff nice stretch of Ozark stream.

Also got a new canoe for my 44th B-day.... Thank you to my dear wife Evelyn and the 5 kiddoes. Also a bit of scheming with Rick and Lanelle, and about 4 hours worth of running (on $3.50+ gasoline) by Rick (from Neosho to Joplin to Bentonville, AR back to Neosho). I'm not worth that much trouble, but I sure do appreciate their thoughtfulness.

Sure wish we could hit the streams more often... perhaps now that the kids are all big enough that we aren't too worried about a mishap, we can arrange to go more often.

As always, not enough time to be playing around posting on a blog, so will sign off for now.